Of Monsters and Men

What is it that you want in your life?

Is it to be happy?

To be happy with yourself, you need to be satisfied with not what you have done, but with what you are doing.

What you have done is just that… It is done and gone. It has value to reflect upon to feel satisfied with it’s outcome or to use it to re-adjust your behavior so as to improve your satisfaction with the outcomes.

Did you harm others to gain your feelings of satisfaction? More important than that… did you enjoy harming others?

You have found the right place to study if you actually enjoyed seeing others suffer because you somehow got brainwashed into a self-defeating belief system.

If you don’t try to harm others and don’t seek to harm others, then you are of a higher level of spiritual awareness and can skip this section.

Now, for the people who do harm others in any way and/or enjoy it thinking about doing such things… you need to understand that you are creating your own situation of, first, thought atrocities. If you push those thoughts into action, then you are a stage worse by committing personal atrocities. You are likely a member of The Cult. If you are not a member of The Cult, then you have an easy fix because you don’t have fellow initiates and masters pushing/dragging you down that slippery slope of co-created atrocities against your true human nature.

If you don’t have a cult encouraging your enjoyment of hate and greed and self-righteousness thinking and being that way… then read Seth’s book “The Nature Of Personal Reality.” You have to want to change your beliefs and world-view if you want a happier life… good luck and hire a good personal life coach… stay away from the wicked ones, they are usually, Cult/secret society based… remember “being truly happy includes the happiness of others, along with you.”

As for The Cult initiate reading this; You have a bigger problem than some brainwashed TV-baby. Nobody is going to help you who understands your situation other than me, probably.

You were likely tricked into joining The Cult as a teen when you knew nothing about anything and you were very impressionable and suggestible in those early years. Remember watching those black and white documentaries about Hitler and the NAZIs brainwashing the youths into tattle on parents for believing in world freedom? They were part of The Cult, too, just a different branch. Stalin was into The Cult, too, murdered over 60 million profane and fellow brothers who weren’t in the “inner-loop,” just an different region and languages, but similar oppressive goals and behavior… communism and fascism loop around on the circle of political control of the masses and meets to become almost the same, but The State “heads” are “god” in one case and The Corporate “heads” are in the other. Same picture just a different hue.

Your problem is very deep rooted in Earth’s human history; Seth identifies a past civilization experiment upon Earth that decided to extinct itself due to mainly genetic deficiencies. The Civilization was call the Lumanians. They were the geniuses that built the Giza Pyramid using sound technology machines. Stone-work Engineer, Christopher Dunn produced documentation that identifies a greater technology than our own built many ancient structures like the Giza Pyramid. The Lumanians are our ancestors that gave up impeding the native humans on Earth and instead blended their higher intelligence genetics into our Homo sapiens species. They had the natural inclination for violence genetically taken out of their species. Instead of progressing towards an understanding of becoming capable co-creating Earthbound entities their detriments of genetically extracting their natural need to learn to control their violent impulses was too great. They were intelligent enough of a civilization to realize that this social deficiency was too great a barrier for their civilization to mature into a self-regulating, UN-fearful, useful product… so they spread their seed amoungst us and eventually died out. They could not cope with life here. But they left their “remnant Lumanian” genetics on the planet.

The Cult is aware of the “remnant Lumanians” and you can see some differently shaped skulls in ancient documentation, but The Cult keeps a lid on the information handed down through the ages.

The Lumanian were the great impede-rs of other species upon Earth, back in their day. Now, following in their ancient footsteps is The “remnant Lumanian” Cult… impeding non-cult initiates or what they call the profane. I use the work of William Cooper’s Mystery Babylon radio series to identify the behavior of The Cult. The are, likely, “the monsters” that Seth informs us not to concentrate upon… Seth warns us if we concentrate on what the monsters do, then we will bring them into our probable reality. If you are reading this article, then you have already chosen this probability and will have to face the challenge of illuminating them back into humanity. They are likely all the secret societies branches sworn to hold their secrets from the “profane.” The “profane” includes me in it, too.

As for helping the monsters becoming human again. We need to realize that they are The Cult that has taken over most every position of power in society. They believe the Age of Aquarius is “their time” of controlling Earth. They control the Western Civilization from the shadows and are pushing Agenda21 and the brain-chipping/trans-humanism movement.

The cult minions have been brainwashed by The Cult to give up their “will power.” This is a thing that Seth warned about that hiding within a “group” does not negate your responsibility to your soul your greater self, your natural grace, your individual integrity… but The Cult brainwashes it’s minions to ignore the wholesome impulses that come from their entity, within.

Another huge problem is the challenge of humanity becoming overwhelmed by the power of technology. Seth informed us back in the 1960’s that we have progressed to the age where technology adds great complexity to our civilization. Not only have we advanced to concern ourselves with “the world” rather than our community and country, but now technology has rerouted the way we see the world, the way we experience Nature.

More concerning is the successful interfacing or bridging of the human brain with computers. The Cult is using technology to upset the old order of the world and instead bringing about a new world order of society. This has been prepared for years. Back in the 1960’s Seth commented that for the last 50 years society has taken a turn for the worst. So that meant at the time when the secret societies began redirecting “science” and “education” institutions is where our culture began loosing it’s integrity.

The greatest problem I see with technology is the brainchip interfering with corporeal reality’s demand for spiritual value-fulfillment. The brainchip is designed to block “impede” the spiritual inner senses. All-That-Is will have no difficulty extincting such uselessness out of existence… not that your failure in this probability will not be used to help educate the successes in any other probability. Nothing is wasted… It is just a shame that more of that Lumanian intellect didn’t surface within The Cult.


Albert Pike had already created the KKK and wrote “Morals and Dogmas” to guide The Cult down a new level of social integrity. The use of laboratories to study the actual behavior of Nature began to be ignored and were replaced with thought-experiments by the new “prophets” like Einstein. The USA was taken off the gold standard allowing the eye over the pyramid on the back of the one dollar “gold note” to see a new covert control over the masses of profane.

The first international bankers were the Knights Templar according to William Cooper. But they had to go underground and exist secretly after the 1307 political mess-up. The first half of the 20th century made great profits for the international bankers during the fabricated world wars. Since the USA didn’t join the League Of Nations after the First World War, the Second World War was used to establish the United Nations. USA was still too strong in it’s old values by the ending WWII, so Hitler was obviously instructed by The Cult to hinder the German Generals from acquiring Moscow. Hitler was supposedly last photo graphed in 1955 in Argentina… I don’t know… Seth wasn’t getting involved with politics exposing things and getting Jane and Rob in trouble with The Cult. So here I am… in trouble with The Cult, haa!

Anyways, we are trying help the monsters in The Cult to save themselves from self-destruct mode.

If you are in The Cult, you definitely have to read the Seth works… The books were written for you minions to help you save yourselves from extinction. You create your own destruction. Seth says any species that has no purpose with simply end. Suicide itself! You monsters are going down an unfortunate probability towards self-destruction. You need to become more happy with your world-views and thus your reality will follow suit.

Seth’s books are just what you need to solve your dilemma. The Lumanians tried to pass on their superior intellect genetics to our species, but your cult got infiltrated by the greedy and hateful “Illuminati” is has been said and promoted the “Death cult” idealism. Tisk, tisk… There went JFK, there went King, there went Cooper, and thousands of others… you are picking your way creating the probability where you don’t want to be. You minions all claim you are not in control, but each of you are.

Be careful with those brainchips monsters… monsters normally cannibalized when they run out of things to do.  Bet your hive-mind means there is a zombie bio-robot switch in your skull, too, just like me.

You all create your own experiences and they all amass into your chosen probability of manifestation.

Now, bringing this mass event stuff to light, the minion need to read Seth’s book “ The Individual and Mass Events.”

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